Yesterday, I was scheduled for my follow up ultrasound to check on my cervical length. It was a long and tough two weeks of waiting. It made enjoying the holidays difficult with the worry of preterm labor and possible bed rest in my future. I definitely didn't sleep much Tuesday night and decided to pack a small bag just in case I was sent to the hospital to be monitored or for steroid shots to help develop the Blue Bean's lungs. We arrived a few minutes before my appointment at noon yesterday. I was somewhat anxious and just wanted to get to it but that wasn't in the cards. Due to an emergency ahead of me, it was after 1:15 pm before I was called back. It was a nerve racking wait for sure but worth the wait.
Of course we got to see Blue Bean moving around. The ultrasound tech said he was an active guy - a real mover and shaker I say. Blue Bean looked good. He is still head down and his heart is pumping away at 130 beats per minute. And what we had been waiting cervix length was 2.1 down from 2.5. The good news is that this was not a significant change and puts me on the edge of having a short cervix. There was no real change in the funneling from the last ultrasound.
After the ultrasound, we met with the Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor, Dr. Singh. The verdict was to continue with restricted activity. I was so excited no bed rest. Dr. Sigh indicated that there is no real research that shows that strict bed rest actually helps prolong labor over modifying activity. I have to continue to watch for signs of preterm labor. Given my current cervical length and being at the beginning of my third trimester (28 weeks today) I have a 80% chance of carrying Blue Bean to full term (37 weeks). As Dr. Singh said, "we want to keep baby cooking as long as we can."
While I believe I have been experiencing contractions, they are weak, short and few and far between. My understanding this is pretty normal. Your uterus "practices" for labor throughout the pregnancy. If I feel more than 5 in hour I am suppose to call in and see if the doctor wants to have my contractions monitored.
I definitely feel a great deal of relief after this ultrasound. I have an appointment next Tuesday with my regular OB and will review the results with her but I don't anticipate any changes in recommendations. Right before Christmas, I did a 3 hour glucose tolerance test (I failed the 1 hour glucose challenge screen). The results came back that I do NOT have gestational diabetes which is also a relief. One of my blood sugar levels came back abnormal so my OB is going to have me meet with a nutritionist. The beginning of the new year is a great time to reevaluate your diet.
I think it is going to be a busy couple of weeks of pregnancy appointments. OB appointment next week, childbirth classes next Saturday and Sunday, growth ultrasound in 2 weeks and nutritionist appointment to be scheduled.
I will keep you updated and have a Happy New Year!
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