Welcome to our journey

Mark and I would like to thank you for visiting our blog. As we begin our journey towards parenthood we wanted to share our experiences with friends and family. I hope you enjoy following our journey of becoming a family.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Due Date Confusion

So at my first OB appointment they calculated my due date to be March 22nd based on the first day of my last cycle.  This is the way it is traditionally calculated but my cycles are anything but traditional.  So they set me up for a dating ultrasound which was fine with me because I got to have 2 ultrasounds in less than a week.  Based on my dating ultrasound my due date was calculated to be March 27th but since my original due date was less than a week off they left my due date at March 22nd.  This makes absolutely no sense to me at all.  If you have a more accurate date why not use it.  So March 22nd or March 27th, take your pick.

I encourage you to take the poll on the right of the page...are we going to have a boy or girl?  We should have the answer in about 2 months.


  1. Melissa- this happens to my doula clients all the time! If the difference isn't over a week they don't change it. But keep that in mind when they mention induction at 40 weeks... your baby might need an extra week to grow based on that ultrasound. Think of you due date as a due month... like your due in March... that way your not so focused on a date... it will cause less frustration at the end!

  2. Thanks Sarah! The fetal-maternal doctor actually suggested they might not let me go past 39 weeks because of some risk factors for preeclampsia. March is a long way off but I will definitely keep my true due date in mind. Mark is hoping for a St. Patty Day birthday.
